Let's recap: Chemtrails do not exist!
Depending on the humidity level, these contrails can instantly dissipate or they can linger for hours and spread out into a thin cloud deck. Contrails can also start and stop suddenly because atmospheric humidity and temperature isn't constant. The weather doesn't look exactly like a weather map. The atmosphere is an always-changing fluid. Humidity and temperature can change quickly over relatively short distances, especially along the path of an airplane flying at 600 MPH 32,000 feet above the ground.
The process that forms contrails is very similar to the reason you see your breath on a cold morning, it just involves higher levels of moisture and much more extreme differences in temperature. Why don't contrails form on the ground, they'll smugly retort. Well, if you went to Antarctica and wandered outside when conditions were just right, airplanes sitting on the ground will produce contrails because physics do not start and stop on the command of an angry Twitter egg who can't find their caps lock key.
All the "evidence" you see online that say chemtrails exist is fake. All of the videos and photographs that people circulate are either doctored or severely misrepresented—if I photoshop my face onto Chris Hemsworth's body, it does not make me a Greek god, just as sharing a photo and falsely saying it's a "chemtrail plane" doesn't provide scientific proof of these non-existent figments of your imagination. The most popular misrepresented photos these days show aircraft with extra fuel bladders inside the fuselage or water ballasts to provide an empty aircraft weight for in-air testing. In other words, people doing science, something of which you know little about.
A smattering of falsified sciencey-looking soil samples and water samples and air samples and pee samples and these samples and those samples that are published for peer review on ChemtrailTruth100%RealGovernmentCoverup dot ExposeTheIlluminati dot co dot uk dot czechrepublic dot net does not a palette of evidence make. Nor for that matter do a handful of transcripts from open mic public comment portions of town hall meetings in the weird part of California, nor do a couple of loopy politicians in Europe who introduced chemtrail legislation and launched chemtrail investigations to satisfy constituents to whom they probably owe hush money.
Worst of all, the chemtrail truthers fall victim to the scourge of circular references: Source A makes an assertion. Source B cites Source A. Source C cites Source B. Source A turns around and cites Source C as "proof" that their assertion was correct. That's how the entire business of online chemtrail activism works, and more often than not, the so-called experts have credentials that are as valid as a degree from Trump University. That's also how vaccine truthers work. And people who panic over GMOs and gluten. And people who think an array of antennas is controlled by Barack Obama to generate deadly storms over red states. And people who think the Illuminati controls the world. And people who think the moon landing was fake. And on and on.
The best thing of all is that when you call them out on this—like I am right now—the activists will accuse you of being a paid shill. Everyone who disagrees with them is doing so because they're bought and paid by The Man. Dontcha know.
There have been limited, localized experiments with cloud seeding, but cloud seeding is not your mythical "chemtrails." Saying that chemtrails exist because cloud seeding is something scientists have done is like saying the government is hiding a cure for cancer because you can get a flu shot. Oh no, I brought up vaccines—let's not whack that bag of wasps.
When you see a contrail in the sky, it's just that: a trail of condensed water vapor. The government is not spraying you with chemicals to make you sick or control the weather. They do not have the capability to do that. Nobody does. Airplanes do not even have the capacity to carry the amount of chemicals that it would take for "chemtrails" to be real. If we could control the weather, I guarantee you that some evil twit like Kim Jong-Un would have already hijacked the technology and turned Washington D.C. into an iceberg by now.
Sorry to break it to you, but life isn't an exciting science fiction novel. Elementary-level science is boring and not quite as sexy as a massive conspiracy that involves millions of people and quadrillions of gallons of mysterious chemicals, but that's how life goes. Also, Santa Claus was your parents and the Easter Bunny got busted for meth back in the 70s. Welcome to the real world, kid.
When you tell me to "look up" at the sky to see the evidence for myself, I see basic physics and meteorology in action. You should try it some day.
Worst of all, the chemtrail truthers fall victim to the scourge of circular references: Source A makes an assertion. Source B cites Source A. Source C cites Source B. Source A turns around and cites Source C as "proof" that their assertion was correct. That's how the entire business of online chemtrail activism works, and more often than not, the so-called experts have credentials that are as valid as a degree from Trump University. That's also how vaccine truthers work. And people who panic over GMOs and gluten. And people who think an array of antennas is controlled by Barack Obama to generate deadly storms over red states. And people who think the Illuminati controls the world. And people who think the moon landing was fake. And on and on.
The best thing of all is that when you call them out on this—like I am right now—the activists will accuse you of being a paid shill. Everyone who disagrees with them is doing so because they're bought and paid by The Man. Dontcha know.
There have been limited, localized experiments with cloud seeding, but cloud seeding is not your mythical "chemtrails." Saying that chemtrails exist because cloud seeding is something scientists have done is like saying the government is hiding a cure for cancer because you can get a flu shot. Oh no, I brought up vaccines—let's not whack that bag of wasps.
When you see a contrail in the sky, it's just that: a trail of condensed water vapor. The government is not spraying you with chemicals to make you sick or control the weather. They do not have the capability to do that. Nobody does. Airplanes do not even have the capacity to carry the amount of chemicals that it would take for "chemtrails" to be real. If we could control the weather, I guarantee you that some evil twit like Kim Jong-Un would have already hijacked the technology and turned Washington D.C. into an iceberg by now.
Sorry to break it to you, but life isn't an exciting science fiction novel. Elementary-level science is boring and not quite as sexy as a massive conspiracy that involves millions of people and quadrillions of gallons of mysterious chemicals, but that's how life goes. Also, Santa Claus was your parents and the Easter Bunny got busted for meth back in the 70s. Welcome to the real world, kid.
When you tell me to "look up" at the sky to see the evidence for myself, I see basic physics and meteorology in action. You should try it some day.
ReplyDeleteAWESOME ARTICLE! Thanks for fighting these bozos head on!
ReplyDeleteThanks for fighting the good fight. I have a feeling no minds have been changed as a result, but I certainly felt better while reading it.
ReplyDeleteI find your argument very unbelievable since everyone knows Chris Hemsworth is a Norse god. Seriously though, these are the same people that believe the President (doesn't matter which one) will round everyone up into FEMA camps, that vaccines cause diseases, computers come from alien technology salvaged from Roswell, and food dyes are mind control chemicals.
ReplyDeleteif you knew someone that was working in the program there entire career you would then know more about the truth of chem-trails
ReplyDeleteJust read your article on Chemtrails under your previous medium, The Vane. I loved it. I am being held hostage by a friend who constantly tries to convince me that we are all being sprayed by metals and every cloud is a chemtrail from every frigging airplane that's in the sky. I sent him your article and hopefully he will stopped bugging me about this and other stupid conspiracy plots.
ReplyDeleteI consume infowars.com and think I am smart enough to know the impossible to hide chemtrail idea. If take seats out and put tanks in, then how about the 6000 trucks lined up to load the planes, so impossible. Also if stuff put into fuel then why doesn't fuel per flight increase, and why aren't there compressor vane failures and corrosion? I might be lazy and if so I can find my own information. The reason I am writing is to find out if you have external links to this kind of information.
ReplyDeleteHemsworth's actually a Norse God. Just sayin'
ReplyDeleteIf Chemtrails do not exist tell my why I had chemistry classes at the Air Force Academy in 1990 that discussed Chemtrails and I was a pilot of a tanker that did the spraying?
Because chemtrails DO exist, regardless how much
DeleteDennis Mersereau wants to cite his degrees and 'science' to prove they don't. Plenty of people have come forward exposing that this goes on, and yes, there's that Air Force manual, as well.
Requirement to acknowledge that geoengineering is a reality: A set of working eyeballs. A degree in meteorology only gets one more confused, apparently.
Click here, put any and all doubt to rest: https://www.google.dk/search?q=chemtrails&biw=1314&bih=937&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=B9g6VIwCgeGgBNTsgqAJ&sqi=2&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAw&dpr=0.9&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0
What kind of an evil person are you to deliberately distort the truth.What are you taking me for, i had even pilots confirm the action. I fact a person i know with a Lear jet flew after them filming the spraying on the east coast of South Africa. I saw the footage with them even turning the spraying on and off. So you are saying my friend is lying, no you are. Why would you do that is the question here. Do you no understand that the highly elevated levels of Aluminum and Barium are quite conclusive. And why does our air pollution department no longer test for heavy metals when this is part of the main standardized tests they are supposed to execute and make public? Do you not see that there are a million things pointing to this. You do not get zig zag grid patttern in the sky from chemtrails, planes do not fly like that. This alone is already 100% proof. We her in Cape Town have no overflights so why do we then have the trails in the first place? Please answer me these questions but you won't because you work for the devil himself.
ReplyDeleteI suppose all the legislative bills like HR2977,HR2420, HR2995,HR7579, and most recent HR6011 are bull too?
ReplyDeleteAnd i suppose the 97 page ICAS Report dating back to 1966 is bull?
And the 119 pages of the USGCRP Stateguc Plan dated Jan 2017 is bull?
And the 158 page report NSB1265 to the National Science foundation is crap too?
Do you people fact check anything??? Read the legislative bills and the 3 reports and then tell me it's contrails!
There's more than a dozen elected officials involved in trying to stop and/or request controls on what you people call a "conspiracy"!
Stop watching YouTube people and START READING offical government Bills and reports that NO ONE CAN DISPUTE as a conspiracy!!! Weather Modification is absolutely real and according to official government documents it's been going on since 1942.
So Dennis..I challenge you...NO...I dare you or anyone else... to READ everything I referenced above and report those facts!!!!!